Diese App ist eine 360°-VR-App, die vom DIPvr (Digital Integration Program) Projekt des skip-Instituts adaptiert wurde, um mehr über Alltagssituationen, Kultur, Gewohnheiten, Regeln und das System in Deutschland zu erfahren. […]
Read MoreThe VR DIP app is in the starting blocks. The development team is currently working on the final design of the smart device version of the VR DIP app, which has already been tested in the libraries of the state of NRW [...].
Read MoreOnce again, a typical everyday scenario: Who hasn't ridden a bicycle at night without lights? However, it only becomes problematic when you are permanently in the dark without any idea of the legal situation [...].
Read MoreTopics: Studies, Funding, Germany Scholarship, Teaching, Research As part of the Germany Scholarship, Lara Nowak would like to express her sincere thanks to the Board of Management for the opportunity to receive funding for her future from the Federal Government and [...]
Read MoreTopics: Flight, Migration, Integration | Integration Policy | Integration More flexibility, more individuality and more research are needed: this is the conclusion of a conference organised by the FES and AWO. The diversity of [...]
Read MoreThe two-week meetings of the Office of Human Resources and Administrative Management, the Office of Integration and Diversity and skip are beginning to bear fruit. Intensive work has been done in recent weeks on the completion [...]
Read MoreThe Digital Hub Cologne wants to get off to a good start in terms of raising awareness of digitalisation, especially among SMEs, at the New Year and is presenting the "Take Off 2020" event at the RheinEnergie Stadium in Cologne […]
Read MoreThe City of Cologne will use the finished VR production to train managers. Since authenticity is the top priority here, the film was shot on original sets. Seven professional actors were used for this.
Read MoreThe VR project for refugees, which was awarded the "Hochschulperle des Monats" by the Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany and the German Institute for Virtual Reality (DIVR), has received a lot of public and political attention.
Read More2024 skip. Institute e.V.