VRDIP App at Google Play available now!
The current test version 0.2 serves as a survey and is an educational 360° VR app adapted by the VRDIP project of the skip Institute for Refugee Aid to learn more about everyday situations in Germany. It currently offers three realistic scenarios in VR - ideal for those starting a new life in Germany or those who want to learn more about the social system, cultural customs and the German Constitution. It is possible to experience how to order a prescription at the pharmacy, for example. The first option shows how to deal with law enforcement officials and the 3rd option also shows how easy it is to join the local football club. VRDIP also offers voice dialogues with real-time speech recognition. The menu and controls are also available in 7 different languages. By using this app and answering the survey, an important contribution to integration is made to help people in need, especially those who have to start a new life in a foreign country after fleeing their homeland. The project is funded by the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia in agreement with the skip Institute for Applied Digital Visualisation at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, Cologne.
Available free of charge for your smartphone, tablet or smartdevice here