Prof. Dr. Bianca Ksienzyk-Kreuziger
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About me: born on 22.07.1977 in Frankfurt (Oder)
Marital status: married, one daughter
Professional Experience
since 09/18
Lecturer in business psychology and psychology (focus on psychological diagnostics) at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Berlin
since 06/18
Freelance personality assessor for Interpersonal GmbH Psychological assessment of ready entry pilots as part of personnel selection
since 07/16
Freelance training, consulting and lecture work with the following selected focus areas: – Positive psychology & job crafting – Personnel selection of managers – Competence tables as a tool for personal professional development
03/2015- 08/2018
Professor of business psychology and course director at BiTS (Business and Information Technology School Berlin) Main areas of activity:
Conception and implementation of courses/training in the basics and application of psychology:
- Psychodiagnostics & test theory
- Work, personnel and organizational psychology
- Methods of empirical social research
- Moderation, team development, leadership, personality development, stress management
– Auswahl und Onboarding von externen Lehrbeauftragten
– Talentorientiertes Coaching von Studierenden
– Konzeption, Erprobung und Evaluation von innovativen Lehr- Lernformaten (u.a. blended learning)
Lecturer at the BiTS (Business and Information Technology School Berlin) for psychological diagnostics
Group leader with human resources responsibility in the Occupational Psychological Service of the Federal Employment Agency (at different locations) Main areas of activity :
- Coaching of managers and operational employees or employee groups
- Personnel and team development in a responsible group
- Conceptual development of the range of offerings of the professional psychology service
- Psychological (talent) diagnostics and assessment as well as advice for internal and external customers (including on the topics of intellectual performance, personality development, motivation, mental health)
- Member of the health working group
- Accompaniment and support of personnel-related topics in-house (including internal and external personnel selection, training of employees, e.g. on management feedback, moderation of workshops, e.g. on employee satisfaction)
Psychologist in the occupational psychology service of the employment agency
Research assistant with project and personnel responsibility (Chair of Personality and Differential Psychology at the University of Potsdam) Project : “Personal and organizational stress and resources in the work process” Main areas of activity :
- Carrying out extensive analyzes of personnel and organizational development (stress and strain at work)
- Diagnosis of professional coping behavior as well as work-related behavior and experiences
- Health-related advice for employees and managers
- Initiation and support of organizational change processes to promote health at work
- Seminar activity on the topic of stress management
- Lectures at conferences Doctorate at the University of Potsdam Degree : Dr. phil. with the dissertation “Social support in the work process”
Trainer for communication and stress management
- Trainer for communication and stress management
- Assessor – conception and implementation of assessment centers
- Development of seminar concepts and train-the-trainer modules to qualify assessors
1999 – 2002
Participation in the student management consultancy UniClever (HR board)
1999 – 2003
Student assistant (Chair of Personality and Differential Psychology at the University of Potsdam) Main areas of activity : – Studies on stress and strain in psychosocially stressed representatives of different professional groups
University education
Psychology studies at the University of Potsdam, Main subjects :
– Work and organizational psychology, educational psychology
Elective subject : Business Administration (Organizational and Human Resources)
– in the area of personnel development at the DaimlerChrysler sales organization and the Müller dairy
Diploma thesis:
– Development and testing of communication training for start-ups (tested at a technical college)
Degree : Diploma in Psychology
School education
Abitur at the Friedrichsgymnasium Frankfurt (Oder)
Professional training
Participation in the basic and advanced curriculum of positive psychology EUPPA (completed in 02/2021 and 06/2022)
Certification in the LINC Personality Profiler personality test
Further training on digitalization (including internal university qualifications for designing digital teaching, summer school university forum for digitalization, virtual reality basics)
BA-internal, part-time coaching training with systemic components
(certified by the German Psychological Academy)
BA-internal, part-time qualification “Professional in-depth study of psychological counseling” with systemic focuses
Training as a communication and behavior trainer
Additional course “Practice of Human Resources Work”
Certification as a trainer of social skills
BDP – Federal Association of German Psychologists
Working Group VR/AR Learning
Working Group uniVERSEsity
skip Institute for applied digital visualization