VRDIP App in the Beta Stage

The VR DIP App is in the starting blocks. The development team is currently working on the final design of the smart device version of the VR DIP (Digital Integration Project) application, which has already been tested in the libraries of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, which should now also make it possible for users without virtual reality equipment to try out the application from a smartphone or tablet without 3D glasses.The 360° all-round view is retained, but unlike the 3D version, the user simply has to move his smart device in the corresponding direction, as is already familiar from some augmented reality apps.
Those who have not yet informed themselves about the DIP project should do so as soon as possible shortly before the publication: www.vrdip.de
One of the tasks of the DIP project is to facilitate integration into German society by means of digital learning content. Integration offices take note: The app will soon be available to everyone free of charge in the Google Play Store.