skip supports scholarship holders: Lara Nowak says thanks

Topics: Study, funding, Germany scholarship, teaching, research
In the context of the Deutschlandstipendium, Lara Nowak expresses her sincere thanks to the board for the opportunity to be sponsored by the federal government and the skip Institute for her upcoming future. In her word of thanks, she emphasises above all that it is a special recognition of the effort and leisure to have been chosen for this privilege.
Supporting students is not only a reason to keep motivation and performance levels high, it also offers the opportunity to engage more deeply with their studies. Many students are not granted the opportunity to concentrate exclusively on their studies, despite Bafög.
Of course, the financial injection also offers more freedom; in Lara's case, she wants to use this to become more active in clubs and organisations.
We wish Lara every success in her future career and hope for continued exchange and appreciation!