Prof. Dr. Markus Ruttig


Since 2004 Lawyer/Partner of the law firm C B H Cornelius Bartenbach Haesemann, Cologne
in the field of intellectual property/media law

11/2001 - 06/2004 Lawyer at the law firm Noerr LLP, Berlin
in the field of intellectual property/media law


1992 – 1994 University of Bonn

1994 – 1995 Faculty of Law, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, Great Britain

1995 – 1998 Studies at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Br.

2000 Doctorate under Prof. Dr. Herbert Bethge, University of Passau

8/2001 Second State Examination in Law, Berlin


1993 – 1998 Scholarship from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Member of the Foundation's Young Journalists Programme until the end of her studies.

1/1999 – 7/1999 Promotion of the doctorate by the Research Training Group of the Faculty of Law of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Bonn with a scholarship of the DFG (German Research Foundation)

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